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New York

diseñado por Natuzzi Design Center

Invitatation to relax

New York is a bed with clean and rigorous lines, with defined volumes and geometric shapes - recalling the unmistakable skyline of the “big apple”. A mix of contemporary design and comfort, in the best Natuzzi tradition, which finds its perfect synthesis in the two large, soft headboard cushions, a real invitation to relax. A New York bed also in style, with an open base that makes cleaning easier and faster. The double net is replaced by a perforated wooden panel - made of plywood and fir. Available in leather or fabric, with metallic legs in matte black finishing.

Natuzzi editorial - Invitatation to relax

Everything to improve versatility

A New York bed also in style, with an open base that makes cleaning easier and faster. The double net is replaced by a perforated wooden panel - made of plywood and fir. Available in leather or fabric, with metallic legs in matte black finishing.

Natuzzi editorial - Everything to improve versatility

Natuzzi Design Center

Natuzzi ha decidido llevar su idea de armonía también al mundo de los interiores, jugando entre la estética contemporánea y la funcionalidad. Imaginar nuevas formas y colores, plasmarlos sobre el papel con un boceto y luego transformarlos en algo concreto: todo esto es el Centro de Diseño de Natuzzi.

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Natuzzi editorial designer


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